日本財団 図書館


work suitable for their abilities for six to twelve months, in order to facilitate their adjustment to the working environment.
C. Public Vocational Training Facilities
Among the public vocational training facilities established under the law Concerning the Promotion of Vocational Ability Development, there exist vocational training centers for persons with disabilities, which also accommodate persons with mental retardation. Their training programs focus on practical job skills, in order to develop and improve the abilities necessary for relevant occupations.
D. Ability Development Centers
Ability Development Centers, categorized as so-called "third-sector ventures", are jointly established by local public bodies and private enterprises, and have the expertise of employment and/or training of persons with mental retardation. These centers aim at developing the abilities of persons with mental retardation through the provision of flexible and practical training, that public training programs have been unable to provide.
E. Work preparation program for persons with mental retardation
This program aims to improve the basic work habits of persons with mental retardation who have occupational ability but lack necessary work habits, such as the physical strength to tolerate a full day's work, concentration on a job, and the ability to carry out a job by following instructions.
3-2. Programs supporting employment
A. The grant system for employment development of specific job applicants
Under this system, employers who hire workers with mental retardation referred by the Public Employment Security Office are given a grant to cover a part of the wage paid to the worker with mental retardation for a certain period of time.
B. Vocational development assistance program
The vocational development assistance program, which was established in 1992, based on the U.S. supported employment programs, aims at expanding employment opportunities in the open labor market for persons with severe disabilities, through providing them with short-term on-the-job guidance and assistance in the whole range of their vocational life at an enterprise with a government contract for vocational training.
C. The subsidy system based on the Levy and Grant System
When an employer improves the work environment or implements appropriate employment management in order to employ persons with mental retardation, the employer can receive a grant, based on the Levy System for Employment of Persons with Physical Disabilities, which is also intended to promote and retain employment of persons with mental retardation.




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